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    The best open world games

    We're living in a golden age of sprawling and exciting open world games. Here are some of the best on PC.

    cod:mw season 5 release start date train

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare season 5: Everything we know

    off the rails Will we finally have the trains, planes and automobiles trio?

    off the rails

    Fortnite astronaut challenge: How to find the ancient ship and install its missing parts

    Guide How to complete this season 3 challenge.


    Bring Witcher 3 characters into Skyrim with this mod

    mod spotlight Geralt and friends invade a new realm.

    mod spotlight

    Catch the best of the breed with this Red Dead Online legendary animals guide

    Gotta trap 'em all Find all Red Dead Online legendary animals and track them successfully.

    Gotta trap 'em all

    What did you play last week?

    Tell us! Here's what we've been up to. What about you?


    Great moments in PC gaming: Playing on the first mass-market PCs in the 1980s

    Boot me up Booting up a new era.

    Boot me up

    What weather adds the most to a game?

    PCG Q&A Are you only happy when it rains (in games)?

    PCG Q&A

    The 7 weirdest things coming in Warframe's grotesque new open world

    WTF Heart of Deimos might be Warframe's weirdest update yet, here's some of the strangest things we saw.


    Warframe's developers let its community design its next warframe and they created a Frankenstein monster

    It's alive! The new warframe is called Xaku, and they're pieced together from the broken remains of other warframes.

    It's alive!


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    The 5 biggest reveals from Warframe's TennoCon 2025

    TennoCon A new open world expansion, three new warframes, and more are coming to Warframe this year.


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    ??? We're rerunning Richard Cobbett's classic Crapshoot column, in which he rolled the dice and took a chance on obscure games—both good and bad.

    Red Dead Online Naturalist

    Red Dead Online's new Naturalist role is just hunting with extra steps

    animal crossing For an activity involving wildlife and photography, it's surprisingly disappointing.

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    Cheap gaming laptop deals this week

    Deals A running list of the best cheap gaming laptop deals we can find, updated throughout the week.

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    3 things I learned after getting a beat down from Trump (in Hearthstone's Scholomance Academy)

    Skool Daze The new expansion is out next week, but yesterday class was in session a little early.

    Skool Daze

    Fall Guys is a bumble royale where you can trip into first place

    wobble royale There's enough randomness in the chaotic party game that falling on your face doesn't mean you'll lose.

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    Valorant's boring characters are a feature, not a bug

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    Get your PC in the mood for Cyberpunk 2077.



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    red dead online naturalist guide

    Tame the animal kingdom with this Red Dead Online Naturalist guide

    tracks of the trade Sedate animals, take samples, and complete your Animal Guide Book without angering Harriet to become a Red Dead Naturalist.

    tracks of the trade

    Othercide review

    Big Noun Energy Bleak and hopeless, but that’s the point.

    Big Noun Energy
    Marvel Avengers beta

    重庆:擅自"翻墙"上境外网站 责传停止联网并警告-国际在线 - CRI:2021-3-28 · 昨日,市政府公伡信息网发布了修订后的《重庆市公安机关网络监管行政处罚裁量基准》。自2021年7月27日起施行,有效期至2021年7月26日。 对故意输入计算机病毒、有害数据的,初次违法,且未实际危害计算机系统安全的,处伡警告。

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    RGB Gaming desktop setup

    We now have all the perfect RGB gaming gear, but the software has no idea

    Blinded by the Lights My dream of an ambient RGB fireside setup left me feeling burned.

    Blinded by the Lights


    PCG Forum Level design with the Roundguard devs, the very best space sims, and what the community thinks about an E3 free year.

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    Grounded Woven Fiber

    绝地求生为什么会凉的这么快?_游戏_北方热点:2021-4-21 · 绝地求生这款游戏当时真的是火的一塌糊涂,在他还没出之前,同学放学后的对话都是:网吧CF,网吧联盟,而他出了之后大家的对话都变成了,网吧吃鸡。甚至他的地位明显威胁到了大哥英雄联盟,不仅贫民玩家流失很多

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    Carrion screenshot. It's a big gross pixelated meat monster.


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    Guide How to complete this week 7 challenge.

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    Guide How to finish this week 7 challenge.

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